GI VR/AR 2024: Workshop of the GI special interest group Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Department of Media Technologies, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences Hamburg, Germany, September 17-18, 2024 |
Conference website | |
Submission link | |
Submission deadline | August 29, 2024 |
Contributions to the workshop are invited in any Virtual and Augmented Reality area. This includes in particular, but is not limited to:
- 3D input devices and interaction techniques
- Avatars and agents
- Display technologies and tracking
- (Real-time) rendering
- Education and edu-/infotainment
- Entertainment and Experiences
- Society and socio-technical aspects
- Human Factors
- Industrial application scenarios
- Innovative and artistic applications
- Modeling and Simulation
- Multimodal interaction
- System architectures and intelligent environments
- Distributed and cooperative VR/AR environments
- VR/AR on the Web
- VR/AR and games
- VR/AR and art
Submission of papers
Scientific papers in the categories of long papers (6-8 pages) and short papers (4-6 pages) are welcome, preferably in English (including references). Papers must be uploaded in anonymous form via the submission system. The program committee will decide on publication and presentation at the workshop (double-blind review). Accepted articles will be published in the digital library of the Gesellschaft für Informatik under the Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license. Therefore, please check if you have the text and image rights to all materials used in your paper. Ask us in case of doubt. After successfully accepting your paper, we will separately ask you to transfer to us the right to publish it in the digital library of the Gesellschaft für Informatik. You will retain the rights for further use. You can also find more information in the GI DL's FAQ. We'd like to encourage graduates with Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees to submit their theses in the topic area of VR/AR. To submit your papers, please use the following template
Submission for present-your-lab session
Research groups specializing in virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality, and 3D user interfaces are invited to submit proposals for the GI AR/VR Workshop. This opportunity allows you to present your lab, showcase ongoing research, and advertise available positions. The program committee will decide on acceptance. Submissions will not be published in the GI digital library. To participate, please submit a concise one-page PDF document comprising the following components:
- Group name and affiliation
- Lab webpage link, contact person, and email address
- Group overview, including information such as research domains, available resources, ongoing projects, collaborative endeavors with industry and academia, recent achievements, and illustrative media
- Current job openings (if applicable)
Submission of posters
Presenting a poster at the GI AR/VR Workshop is a fantastic opportunity to receive feedback on research that has yet to be published. Poster presentations will be an integral part of the workshop, with sessions dedicated to interactive discussions between presenters and attendees. Additionally, there will be a fast-forward presentation track where authors can orally summarize their work to all workshop attendees. The program committee will decide on acceptance. Submissions will not be published in the GI digital library. To participate, please submit an extended abstract (maximum 2 pages, incl. references) using the following template and a first draft of your poster.
Submission for the doctoral consortium
We invite early-stage PhD students (less than one year) to participate in our doctoral consortium. This unique opportunity offers a supportive environment where you can engage with peers and experts in your field, get feedback, and strengthen your research focus. The doctoral consortium will consist of a one-hour session behind closed doors, comprising 10-minute presentations and interactive discussions. The primary objective of this consortium is to provide participants with the opportunity to receive constructive feedback from experts in the field while also facilitating valuable networking interactions. The program committee will decide on acceptance. Submissions will not be published in the GI digital library. Please submit an extended abstract (max. 2 pages, incl. references) outlining your research in the following template:
Important Dates
All deadlines are at 18:00 (UTC+2).
- Submission deadline for long and short papers: 21.06.2024
- Notification to authors: 22.07.2024
- Camera Ready deadline: 05.08.2024
- Submission deadline for posters, present-your-lab, and doctoral consortium: 16.08.2024
- Notification to authors: 23.08.2024
All submissions are to be uploaded on EasyChair: