W2GIS: Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems UPIITA, Instituto Politécnico Nacional Mexico City, Mexico, September 8-9, 2025 |
Conference website | https://sites.google.com/view/w2gis-2025 |
Submission deadline | March 8, 2025 |
22nd International Symposium on Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems (W2GIS 2025) September 8-9, 2025, Mexico City
Website: https://sites.google.com/view/w2gis-2025
Submission link: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=w2gis2025
- 8 March, 2025:Full paper submission
- 20 May, 2025:Notification of acceptance
- 5 June, 2025:Camera-Ready copy due
Recent advances in wireless Internet and location-based services have generated increasing interest in the diffusion and processing of large volumes of geospatial data. Then, new challenges and opportunities have appeared in the GIScience research community. This symposium provides an up-to-date review of advances in both theoretical and technical development of Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems (W2GIS). It is the 22nd in a series of events alternating locations between East Asia, Europe and America.
The integration of artificial intelligence, big data, and social networks within GIS presents new opportunities for urban planning, transportation, and sustainability. However, these advancements also bring significant research challenges, spanning a wide range of methodological, conceptual, and computational issues. As the conference takes place for the first time in Mexico City and Central America, a key focus is to explore how GIScience, combined with these technologies, can address emerging environmental problems in urban contexts, particularly in relation to sustainable development goals. Topics to be addressed include, but are not limited to:
- Geospatial databases and spatio-temporal data management.
- Mobile spatial interaction and movement analysis.
- Spatial search, GeoWeb search engines and services.
- Location-based social networks.
- Spatial social networks.
- On-line spatial data mining.
- GeoSensor data acquisition, processing, management and analysis.
- Smart environments, Internet of Things and ambient spatial intelligence.
- Exploratory cartography and Web and wireless geo interfaces.
- GIS visualization techniques for Web and mobile location-based applications.
- Cyber-geography & augmented reality.
- Map personalization and adaptation.
- 3D modelling of cityscapes for location-based services.
- Ubiquitous and wireless GIS.
- Security, privacy, and usability issues of Web and wireless environments.
- Semantic geospatial Web and interoperability.
- User studies and evaluations of online geoservices.
- Indoor and outdoor wayfinding and navigation.
- Crowdsourcing and volunteered geographic information.
- Telematics, GIS and location-based applications.
- LBS and transportation applications.
- Wireless-based location-aware applications.
- Integration of AI and LLMs.
We invite papers in the form of three types of contributions:
full papers to present scientific results (limted to 16 pages),
work in progress papers to present ongoing work (limited to 10 pages) and,
showcase papers for live presentations of research prototypes and products (limited to 4 pages).
Submission Guidelines
Authors are invited to submit full, original, unpublished research papers. Each paper must be:
- Written in English.
- Submitted in PDF format.
- Formatted using the Springer camera-ready templates available at the http://www.springer.com/gp/computer-science/lncs/conference-proceedings-guidelines
- All contributions must be uploaded through the submission site at https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=w2gis2025
- All submissions will be refereed for quality, originality, and relevance by the Program Committee.
Accepted papers will be published in the Springer LNCS series. Best selected papers will be invited to submit an expanded version for consideration in a special issue of a well-established international journal.
W2GIS 2025 will also feature a Doctoral Symposium, providing a valuable platform for Ph.D. students to receive feedback and guidance from well-known researchers and industry experts. Additional information is available on the dedicated web page: Doctoral Symposium Page.
At the conference, two 500 € prizes will be awarded for the best research paper and the best presentation.
W2GIS offers a number of travel grants for PhD students, covering the conference registration fees and accomodation costs.More information will be available on the official website: https://sites.google.com/view/w2gis-2025.
Symposium Chairs:
- Miguel Mata, Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN), Mexico
- Roberto Zagal, Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN), Mexico
- Willington Siabato, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia
Steering Committee:
- Christophe Claramunt, Naval Academy Research Institute, France
- Michela Bertolotto, University College Dublin, Ireland
- Sergio di Martino, University of Naples Federico II, Italy
- Jérôme Gensel, University of Grenoble, France
- Farid Karimipour, Institute of Science and Technology, Austria
- Ki-Joune Li, Pusan University, South-Korea
- Maryam Lotfian, University of Applied Sciences & Arts Western Switzerland
- Miguel R. Luaces, University da Coruna, Spain
- Sabine Storandt, University of Konstanz, Germany
- Kazutoshi Sumiya, Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan
- Martin Tomko, The University of Melbourne, Australia
- Mir Abolfazl Mostafavi, University of Laval, Canada