EasyChair is a spin-off of the University of Manchester that develops and maintains a rapidly growing Web platform easychair.org currently used by over 4.0 million researchers globally.
We use creative revolutionary technologies for implementing efficient and extensible Web services.
Our current activities include online conference management, conference registration, video conferencing and scientific publishing. We are currently expanding to provide further extensive services to our external stakeholders. These include:
We currently host thousands of conferences worldwide, including world-leading conferences in the following areas: Artificial Intelligence, Web and Software Engineering. Some of our most prominent corporate customers include Microsoft Research, IEEE and ACM (world’s largest engineering and computing societies) and Elsevier Science (the world’s largest scientific publisher).
Our company is searching for a client engagement specialist who will help present our technology and platform to a wide range of audiences which include the following:
You can apply for a position by email . Send us your CV (preferably in PDF). If you graduated less than 10 years ago, also send your university transcript. Applications without a transcript will be rejected without answering.