Download PDFOpen PDF in browserExperimental Results of Measures to Reduce Occupational Burnout Among Preschool Teachers in Some Provinces of the Central HighlandsEasyChair Preprint 157608 pages•Date: January 26, 2025AbstractThe article proposes several measures to reduce occupational burnout among preschool teachers in the Central Highlands provinces. In particular, we conducted an experimental study on the impact of two measures “Raising awareness of preschool teachers about the occupational burnout syndrome” and “Applying Mindfulness Therapy to improve physical and mental health to reduce occupational burnout for preschool teachers” on a group of 31 preschool teachers. The research results demonstrated that increasing preschool teachers' awareness of occupational burnout, combined with Mindfulness Therapy, effectively reduced their occupational burnout levels. Keyphrases: Nghiên cứu thực nghiệm, của giáo viên mầm non, tình trạng kiệt sức nghề nghiệp, vùng Cao nguyên Trung bộ, đo lường