GCAI 2016: Author Index

Abdennadher, SlimAnimating Cognitive Models and Architectures: A Rule-Based Approach
Agarwal, SudhirInvariant Projections in Games
Apeldoorn, DaanWhen Should Learning Agents Switch to Explicit Knowledge?
Benzmüller, ChristophTutorial on Reasoning in Expressive Non-Classical Logics with Isabelle/HOL
Bjorner, NikolajAVATAR Modulo Theories
Boudali, ImenHarmony Search Approach for Patient Scheduling in Emergency Laboratories
Bouziat, TeddyCooperation in Adaptive Multi-Agent Systems through System of Systems modeling
Caillou, PhillipeMatching Jobs and Resumes: a Deep Collaborative Filtering Task
Camps, ValérieCooperation in Adaptive Multi-Agent Systems through System of Systems modeling
Chen, Bo-RongContent-Based Image Retrieval System for Real Images
Chichkov, IvoA Short-Term Memory for Deliberative Agents in Everyday Environments
Chipofya, MalumboMatching Qualitative Constraint Networks with Online Reinforcement Learning
Combettes, StéphanieCooperation in Adaptive Multi-Agent Systems through System of Systems modeling
Decoster, BertrandInvariant Projections in Games
Dietz, ArminContactless Surgery Light Control based on 3D Gesture Recognition
Edel, MarcusCapacity Visual Attention Networks
Eppe, ManfredApplication-Independent and Integration-Friendly Natural Language Understanding
Feldman, JeromeApplication-Independent and Integration-Friendly Natural Language Understanding
Frank, KlausContactless Surgery Light Control based on 3D Gesture Recognition
Frank, MartinHeliostat Field Layout Optimization with Evolutionary Algorithms
Fruehwirth, ThomAnimating Cognitive Models and Architectures: A Rule-Based Approach
Gall, DanielAnimating Cognitive Models and Architectures: A Rule-Based Approach
Genesereth, MichaelInvariant Projections in Games
Gerdes, LevinHeliostat Field Layout Optimization with Evolutionary Algorithms
Ghassem-Sani, GholamrezaLexiPers: An ontology based sentiment lexicon for Persian
Hosseini, PedramLexiPers: An ontology based sentiment lexicon for Persian
Huang, Yin-FuContent-Based Image Retrieval System for Real Images
Janin, AdamApplication-Independent and Integration-Friendly Natural Language Understanding
Kerdels, JochenA Sparse Representation of High-Dimensional Input Spaces Based on an Augmented Growing Neural Gas
Kern-Isberner, GabrieleWhen Should Learning Agents Switch to Explicit Knowledge?
Kirsch, AlexandraA Short-Term Memory for Deliberative Agents in Everyday Environments
Heuristic Decision-Making for Human-aware Navigation in Domestic Environments
Kotelnikov, EvgeniiA Clausal Normal Form Translation for FOOL
Kovács, LauraA Clausal Normal Form Translation for FOOL
Laukamp, DavidHeliostat Field Layout Optimization with Evolutionary Algorithms
Lausch, JoschaCapacity Visual Attention Networks
Liu, XudongLearning Partial Lexicographic Preference Trees and Forests over Multi-Valued Attributes
Ludwig, MichelTowards a Practical Decision Procedure for Uniform Interpolants of EL-TBoxes - a Proof-Theoretic Approach
Magoulas, GeorgeDeep Incremental Boosting
Michael, LoizosEmpirical Investigation of Learning-Based Imputation Policies
Mirroshandel, Sَeyed AbolghasemLexiPers: An ontology based sentiment lexicon for Persian
Mohapatra, AbhijeetInvariant Projections in Games
Mokhtar, NihelHarmony Search Approach for Patient Scheduling in Emergency Laboratories
Mosca, AlanDeep Incremental Boosting
Peters, GabrieleA Sparse Representation of High-Dimensional Input Spaces Based on an Augmented Growing Neural Gas
Philipp, TobiasUnsatisfiability Proofs for Parallel SAT Solver Portfolios with Clause Sharing and Inprocessing
Prestwich, StevenConstraint Problem Specification as Compression
Pösch, AndreasContactless Surgery Light Control based on 3D Gesture Recognition
Raghuram, VivekApplication-Independent and Integration-Friendly Natural Language Understanding
Reger, GilesNew Techniques in Clausal Form Generation
AVATAR Modulo Theories
Reithmeier, EduardContactless Surgery Light Control based on 3D Gesture Recognition
Richter, PascalHeliostat Field Layout Optimization with Evolutionary Algorithms
Rossi, RobertoConstraint Problem Specification as Compression
Sabeti, BehnamLexiPers: An ontology based sentiment lexicon for Persian
Schmitt, ThomasMatching Jobs and Resumes: a Deep Collaborative Filtering Task
Schröder, StephanContactless Surgery Light Control based on 3D Gesture Recognition
Sebag, MichèleMatching Jobs and Resumes: a Deep Collaborative Filtering Task
Sharaf, NadaAnimating Cognitive Models and Architectures: A Rule-Based Approach
Skouteli, HaraEmpirical Investigation of Learning-Based Imputation Policies
Steen, AlexanderTutorial on Reasoning in Expressive Non-Classical Logics with Isabelle/HOL
Suda, MartinNew Techniques in Clausal Form Generation
AVATAR Modulo Theories
A Clausal Normal Form Translation for FOOL
Tarim, S. ArmaganConstraint Problem Specification as Compression
Trott, SeanApplication-Independent and Integration-Friendly Natural Language Understanding
Truszczynski, MirekLearning Importance of Preferences
Learning Partial Lexicographic Preference Trees and Forests over Multi-Valued Attributes
Voronkov, AndreiNew Techniques in Clausal Form Generation
AVATAR Modulo Theories
A Clausal Normal Form Translation for FOOL
Walther, DirkTowards a Practical Decision Procedure for Uniform Interpolants of EL-TBoxes - a Proof-Theoretic Approach
Wisniewski, MaxTutorial on Reasoning in Expressive Non-Classical Logics with Isabelle/HOL
Zhu, YingLearning Importance of Preferences
Ábrahám, ErikaHeliostat Field Layout Optimization with Evolutionary Algorithms