POS-13: Editor's Preface

This volume contains some papers presented at POS-13: Pragmatics of SAT 2013 held on July 7, 2013 in Helsinki, in conjunction with the Sixteenth International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT 2013).

There were thirteen submissions. Each submission was reviewed by at least three program committee members. The committee decided to accept eleven papers for presentation, among which five are being published on those archival proceedings.

The workshop attracted more than 50 participants, which allowed great interactions during the presentations.

The workshop was organized in four sessions, namely core solvers, SAT encodings, applications and parallelism in SAT solving. The papers opening the two first sessions are available in this volume, together with the papers of the fourth session. The slides of all the presentations are available on the workshop web site: http://www.pragmaticsofsat.org/2013/

The first edition of the Pragmatics of SAT workshop took place in Edinburgh during the Federated Logic conference (FLoC) 2010. Since then, the workshop has been a one day satellite event preceeding the SAT conference.

The workshop organizers would like to thank all authors and participants for making PoS a great place to discuss about practical aspects of SAT. We would also like to thank the SAT 2013 conference organizers for hosting the workshop.

Finally, the organizers would like to thank the EasyChair team for providing the community with both Easychair, a great conference manager and now EasyChair proceedings in Computing, a nice ``all in one" solution for publishing electronic proceedings.

Daniel Le Berre
September 11, 2013