SCSS 2017: Editor's Preface

This volume contains the papers presented at SCSS 2017: 7th International Symposium on Symbolic Computation in Software Science held on April 6 - 9, 2017 in Gammarth, Tunisia.

The history of SCSS starts from internal workshops that brought together researchers from SCORE (Symbolic Computation Research Group) at the University of Tsukuba, Japan, the Theorema Group at RISC, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria, and SSFG (Software Science Foundation Group) at Kyoto University, Japan. Later, these workshops grew to involve researchers from the Digital Security Research Unit at the University of Carthage, Tunisia. Since 2012, SCSS is an international symposium. It provides a forum for active dialog between researchers from several fields of computer algebra, algebraic geometry, algorithmic combinatorics, computational logic, and software analysis and verification.

There were 16 submissions. Each submission was reviewed by at least 3 program committee members. The committee decided to accept 12 papers. In addition there were an interesting invited talk Algebraic techniques for computational linguistics and their application to cultural heritage by Gérard Huet from INRIA Paris, France. There were also a forum for young researchers; mainly PhD students who presented their work during a session.

We would like to thank
the program committee members for their work in the review process. We are grateful to the Digital Security Research Unit, SUPCOM, University of Carthage  for organizing SCSS 2017. We are also grateful to the EasyChair team for their assistance, as we used this tool for managing the papers during the entire process, from the submissions until the publication of the proceedings, and to Ravi Rajasekar for his help. A special thank to the organizers of last year's Symposium (SCSS 2016), in particular, the General Chair Prof. Tetsuo Ida (University of Tsukuba, Japan) and the local arrangement committee, for supporting the publication of the proceedings.




Mohamed Mosbah
Michael Rusinowitch
April 6, 2017